
Apr 13, 20202 min

5 Tips on How To Up Your Work From Home Game

Moving your entire business out of your office and online can be tough, especially in the middle of a pandemic. But working from home can still be as productive and interactive as your typical office day if not more!

Our LuckyBird team is going strong on week four (ish) of remote work and we have had some of our most productive, energizing weeks of the year. If you are someone who is struggling to stay motivated during this crazy time we created a list of our top five best tricks that help us keep our heads in the game.

1. Get a routine

It’s so easy to stay in bed, cozy in your pjs and grab your laptop and start working bedhead and all. Trust us, we have been guilty of this once or twice. But establishing a morning routine like getting up at a normal time, getting dressed, and making breakfast helps you to accomplish little tasks right away which in turn gets you ready to be more productive during the rest of your day.

2. Set up an office space

Having a set spot in your house that is relatively distraction free can help make the transition to working from home so much easier.

3. Keep in contact

Our team has a daily morning video call where we go over what projects we are tackling that day/week. It gives us a chance to see everyones beautiful faces, set goals so we know what a successful day will look like, and collaborate with teammates! Even throughout the day we keep in contact via Teams (shoutout Microsoft) to stay engaged (and send memes) so that we still feel like we are sitting next to each other in the office again and collaborate on tasks that need to get done.

4. Take a break yo

This one should be a no brainer, but for some of you overachievers it is so important to stop, step away from your screen, and do something else for a bit. We always recommend going for a walk or run outside. Something active in the fresh air is good for your overall mental and physical health (as long as you are social distancing).

5. Make a list and actually write it down

Even if you are a type B human, creating a list of tasks you want to accomplish for the week and actually writing them down can not only help you stay organized, but prioritize the tasks so you can figure out what you should be spending your time on. Also actually crossing things off of the list is super satisfying.

We hope these tips help you stay focused and productive during these crazy times so you can be the kick ass employee you were born to be.

Keep up the good work!

-Your friends at LuckyBird
